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SNIP. Never mind, I've got better things to do.
Post edited September 01, 2015 by hedwards
hedwards: SNIP. Never mind, I've got better things to do.
Already addressed:

xSinghx: ...when you can't excuse your actions you can always run away from them.
You're certainly not humble enough to own them.
hedwards: SNIP. Never mind, I've got better things to do.
xSinghx: Already addressed:

xSinghx: ...when you can't excuse your actions you can always run away from them.
xSinghx: You're certainly not humble enough to own them.
No, I've just realized that I'm dealing with a troll and would rather not waste any more time.
xSinghx: Already addressed:
hedwards: No, I've just realized that I'm dealing with a troll and would rather not waste any more time.
Yes instead of owning your comments, why not throw another label on something or someone (in this case) and run away. Spin the topic to someone trolling you as opposed to chastising the stupidity of your own actions.

Wasn't it you that labeled me the persecuted one? With the quotes I already cited from other threads and now this one, it seems persecution is your fall back position when you can't mount an argument.

As I said from the beginning:

xSinghx: are simply trying to excuse your own willful ignorance and anti-intellectualism. Taking a position requires the mental work of engagement...
And since we both know you won't or probably can't do that - fuck off.
Post edited September 01, 2015 by xSinghx
So, basically we need to burn this thread and start a new one.